Peter Misselbrook's Blog
Dec 26 2019 - Nehemiah 10:28-39 – Renewed commitment

In the previous chapter we read of the rehearsal of Israel's history before the assembly of all the people, through which they were reminded of God's faithfulness towards them despite their frequent rebellions against him. They acknowledged God's justice in the destruction of Jerusalem and in the exile. Now they have returned and the city and temple have been rebuilt, but in one sense the exile is still not over; they remain subject to the authority of a foreign king and feel like slaves in their own land, forced to work for the prosperity of others.

At the end of chapter nine we read the people's determination to bind themselves by a written agreement. Disobedience resulted in exile – an exile that is still not over; perhaps obedience will lead to freedom from foreign oppression, unfettered freedom to serve the Lord their God.

Chapter ten lists those who signed the agreement, beginning with Nehemiah. Today's reading then gives the contents of the document, beginning with a solemn "oath to follow the Law of God given through Moses the servant of God and to obey carefully all the commands, regulations and decrees of the Lord our Lord" (v. 29). This is followed by a series of specific promises of obedience:

The people promise not to allow intermarriage with foreigners who do not worship the Lord their God; they promise to observe the weekly Sabbath and the seven year land Sabbath; they will make the required regular contributions for the support of the temple and its sacrifices, including the offering of firstfruits at harvest time and the firstborn of their flocks and herds. The Levites also vowed to perform their duties by lot in the temple, and the people promised to pay their tithes to the Levites to support them in their work. They will not neglect the house of God.

We can be impressed by this renewed and united desire on the part of the returned exiles to be scrupulously obedient to God's law. No doubt they fully intended to keep their promises and to be the people God called them to be. But a determination to do better is not enough. We know this from our own experience. Law does not have the power to transform the heart.

We can see how this covenant made in the days of Nehemiah led eventually to the Pharisees in the time of the New Testament. They also were a people acutely aware that the exile was not really over; they were slaves in their own land, subject to foreign powers – this time the Roman Empire. They also believed that, as disobedience had led to God giving them over to servitude, detailed obedience would lead to God setting them free. The Pharisees, in their zeal to be obedient to the Law, expanded and applied it to every detail of daily life – lists of what you could and could not do on the Sabbath, the necessity of tithing even the least of the herbs in your garden etc. They not only determined to observe these laws for themselves, they determined also to impose them on others. In seeking to escape slavery to foreign oppression they imposed a slavery to Law.

The apostle Paul, previously Saul the Pharisee, discovered that Jesus Christ alone can give freedom. He frees us from the condemnation of the Law by bearing the full weight of its judgment in his own death upon the cross. He frees us from the power of sin by his resurrection from the dead. By his Spirit poured out into our hearts, he enables us to live a life of obedience that the Law was powerless to deliver (see Romans 8:1-4).

Father God, thank you that in the Lord Jesus you have set us free to live as your redeemed people. Help us to rejoice in that freedom and not to allow ourselves to be bound again by all manner of human restrictions. Help us to live and walk by the direction, wisdom and power of your Spirit so that our lives may become increasingly conformed to the beautiful character we see in your Son. May our lives and words speak powerfully into a world of those seeking to live by their own desires and their own power. May many be drawn out of slavery to self to find freedom in Christ.


Dec 26 2020 - Revelation 17:1-18 – The Lamb will triumph

This morning we have another dark chapter. ‘Babylon’ or Rome with its empire is pictured as a monstrous prostitute who has enticed many with her corruptions. She dazzles the world with her riches while making herself drunk on the blood of the people of God. She ensnares the world through the offer of luxury while delivering slavery.

The picture becomes increasingly complex as the chapter develops its theme but the basic message is clear. Christians suffering under the oppression of the Roman Empire are to take heart; the days of their oppressor are numbered – the prostitute will be brought to ruin. The powers of this world may wage war against the Lamb, "but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings – and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers" (Revelation 17:14). The Lamb will triumph, and his people will share in that triumph.

Jesus has sat down at God's right hand,
he is reigning now on David's throne.
God has placed all things beneath his feet,
his enemies will be his footstool.

      For the government is now upon his shoulder,
      for the government is now upon his shoulder,
      and of the increase of his government and peace
      there will be no end, there will be no end,
      there will be no end.

God has now exalted him on high,
given him a name above all names.
Every knee will bow and tongue confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord.

      For the government is now upon his shoulder,
      for the government is now upon his shoulder,
      and of the increase of his government and peace
      there will be no end, there will be no end,
      there will be no end.

Jesus is now living in his church,
those who have been purchased by his blood,
they will serve their God, a royal priesthood,
and they will reign on earth.

      For the government is now upon his shoulder,
      for the government is now upon his shoulder,
      and of the increase of his government and peace
      there will be no end, there will be no end,
      there will be no end.

Sound the trumpets, good news to the poor,
captives will go free, the blind will see,
the kingdom of this world will soon become
the kingdom of our God.

      For the government is now upon his shoulder,
      for the government is now upon his shoulder,
      and of the increase of his government and peace
      there will be no end, there will be no end,
      there will be no end.

(Jonathan Wallis)

Take a long hard look at the world in which we live until you clearly recognise its empty enticements and pitiless enslavements; its corrupt governments, voracious corporations and myriad small oppressions and injustices. All this shall pass, but the kingdom of our God and of his Christ shall last for ever.

Lord God, keep us from the empty enticements of this world that would lead us away from simple faith in the Lord Jesus. Give us patient endurance in the life of discipleship and faithfulness in our counter-cultural witness to Christ. Help us to have our eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus, the beauty of his holy character and the glory of his kingdom of righteousness and peace. May we love him above all things and desire nothing more than him. As your people, help us to bear witness to the coming kingdom by the pattern of our shared lives and by our testimony to Christ our Lord.


Peter Misselbrook