Peter Misselbrook's Blog
Apr 25 2020 - Philippians 2:19-3:1 – Where are the Timothies?

Some while ago I heard a sermon on these verses from Philippians. The preacher, who was also pastor of the church, pointed out the qualities of Timothy. This young man lives up to the pattern Paul outlines in the first part of this chapter. He took a genuine interest in the welfare of others rather than being concerned about himself. He was concerned for the glory of Christ and for the work of the gospel. The preacher concluded his sermon with the repeated question, "Where are the Timothies? Where are the Timothies?" He lamented the fact that it is so difficult to find such young people today.

I thought that he had missed a vital point and overlooked a key element in this passage. What had made Timothy the man he was? What had moulded his character? You may answer that it was God who made Timothy the man he was and the Spirit of God who had moulded his character, and you would be right. But we must not overlook the influence of the apostle Paul who writes, "Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel" (Philippians 2:22). Paul had taken Timothy to be a member of his team. Paul had mentored him and trained him. Paul had entrusted him with responsibilities, even thrusting him into areas of ministry which filled Timothy with fear. Paul had encouraged him, prayed for him, and had ensured that, as far as it was within his power, Timothy was received and respected by those to whom he was sent to minister. Timothies are not just found, they are made.

Where are the Timothies? If there is a lack of such young people in the church today, might it not be possible that the blame lies not with them but with us? Have we been seriously engaged in the task of mentoring, training and moulding the lives of the next generation? All too often we can be jealous of our own position and power, and reluctant to encourage others to develop their gifts and to take on areas of responsibility. Where are the Timothies? Let's give ourselves to cultivating them.

And let’s not overlook the qualities we find in Epaphroditus. He had been sent as a messenger from Philippi to Paul, perhaps carrying news from the church and provisions for Paul (see 4:10,18). He had worked for a while alongside Paul and had risked his life in the work of Christ. When he became ill, the church at Philippi became anxious for him and sought news of him. This, in turn, made Epaphroditus anxious to get news back to Philippi to assure them that he is now recovered. So Paul is sending Epaphroditus back with this letter, that he might be restored to his friends at Philippi and that they might rejoice in one another’s company.

This little cameo provides us with a touching picture of the network of relationships and affection that bound Paul and his team to the churches among whom he had ministered. The gospel has the power to create community – a community bound together in the bonds of love.

So we are called not only to develop and channel the gifts of individuals but also to cultivate strong relationships within the body of Christ, relationships of mutual affection and concern. Such relationships make the love of God visible.

Risen Lord Jesus, help us to recognise, value and nurture the gifts you give to your people. Help us to raise up and encourage a new generation of ‘Timothies’ who will give themselves to the work of the gospel. And as you have given yourself for us, help us to give ourselves to the care and encouragement of one another that we may display your love to the world.


Apr 25 2019 - 1 Samuel 10 – Saul anointed as king

Through the providential loss of his father's donkeys, Saul gets to meet Samuel and Samuel is instructed by the Lord to anoint Saul as king over his people – his inheritance (1 Samuel 10:1). Samuel, the seer, then tells Saul the various people he will meet on the way home and what they will say and do; these are signs that the Lord is with him. Saul is told that at Gibeah, the Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully on him and he will prophesy with them; he "will be changed into a different person" (v.6). The Spirit will equip him for the task to which God is calling him.

When the Spirit fell on him, "God changed Saul's heart" (v.9). He joined in prophesying with the procession of prophets at Gibeah to the astonishment of all who saw him.

Samuel summoned representatives from all Israel to meet with him at Mizpah. Samuel reminded the Israelites that the Lord, the God of Israel, had redeemed their ancestors from Egypt and given them victory over all their enemies. The Lord had been their king and they had prospered under his leadership of them. In asking for a king like the nations they were rejecting the Lord as their king. Nevertheless, in response to their demands, Samuel has called them together to determine the king whom God would appoint over his people Israel. Then, through an elaborate elimination procedure Saul was selected to be Israel's king and was acclaimed as king by all the tribes of Israel – except for a few dissenting scoundrels.

This all seems rather strange. Saul is anointed as king by Samuel before this elaborate selection procedure at Mizpah. What was that all about? God himself had selected Saul to be king over his people, he revealed his choice to Samuel and he made the lots fall so that Saul was selected. The public selection of Saul was a demonstration to Israel that this is the man whom God had chosen.

We read that "Samuel explained to the people the rights and duties of kingship. He wrote them down on a scroll and deposited it before the Lord" (v.25). We would love to know what Samuel said and what he wrote down; it was doubtless a summary of the law God had given through Moses. Samuel's actions are a reminder that the one who is to be king over God's people must not be like the kings of the nations. He is not an absolute monarch who can make laws of his own and who is free to behave as he wishes and treat the people of his kingdom as he pleases; he is bound by the law of God and is to live in obedience to God's law. In this way, the king is not to be a tyrant but is to be an example to and leader of the people of God.

Saul's kingship seems to start well, but it will not last. We will soon find that Saul can only be happy as king while he remains head-and-shoulders above everyone else in Israel. He is only happy so long as he is the one who receives the praise of the people.

Though Jesus was, and is, the Lord of glory, he humbled himself and became like us in every way except that he was without sin. He not only came to be our Saviour, he came also as our example, leader and Lord. He came to show us the kind of life God calls us to live, a life of faithful service. He calls us to follow him.

Lord God, we desire no king except our faithful Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. May your Spirit work in us to transform us from the people we used to be and to create us afresh in the image of your Son. May he equip us for the tasks you are calling us to do. Keep us from rebellion against king Jesus.


Peter Misselbrook