Peter Misselbrook's Blog
Jul 6 2020 - 1 Timothy 3:1-16 – The mystery of godliness

Jesus told his disciples that the models of leadership commonly found in the world are not to be adopted by his people. Jesus himself is our model; our leader and Lord, and yet one who came not to be served but to serve and to give himself utterly to the needs of others. We are called to follow Jesus, and to follow him in the way in which we seek to lead others in following him. You cannot lead in a path which you are not prepared to tread for yourself.

The apostle Paul says that it's good to aspire to being a leader of God's people. But it's important to keep in mind the distinctive model of leadership that Jesus has laid down for his people. It's not about status and control. It’s not about being a charismatic or forceful personality. It’s not even about being a good preacher and teacher. It's about shaping the lives of others through the example of a life brought under the control of the Spirit of God and by gentle teaching that comes from a deep awareness that we are all made of the same stuff.

The world desperately needs such leaders – but so also does the church of God. Indeed, the church, as “the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15), is to present a different model for human society – it is to model the kingdom of God and display to the world a better pattern for leadership and government.

So Paul lays great stress on how potential leaders behave in their day-to-day life; how they behave in the home and with their family; what kind of reputation they have gained amongst those who know them. It’s all about godliness.

And godliness – the life of God shining through a simple human life – finds its ultimate model and source in the Lord Jesus. Timothy is ministering in Ephesus, famed for its great temple to Diana (or Artemis). The cry “Great is Diana of the Ephesians” was often heard in its streets (see Acts 19:34). Far greater, says Paul, is the ‘mystery’ or paradox of godliness – of the life of God lived out in a human life;

He appeared in the flesh,
    was vindicated by the Spirit,
was seen by angels,
    was preached among the nations,
was believed on in the world,
    was taken up in glory. (3:16)

Jesus is God come to be among us – he appeared in the flesh. Few recognised who he was – he was despised and forsaken and crucified. Yet he was vindicated by the Spirit – by God’s Spirit at work in him and through him during his earthly ministry and by his Spirit now poured out from heaven demonstrating that Jesus Christ is Lord. He is being preached among the nations and many are now recognising him as Lord. The glory into which he has entered at God’s right hand is a glory that will one day flood all the earth as he shares his glory with his people.

Christian leaders are to be Christ’s followers: showing the character and glory of God in a life of humble service; leaving God to vindicate them and bring glory to his name through the work of his Spirit in them and through them. They – and we – are to demonstrate the mystery of godliness.

Living God, you are our Father and have made us members of your family. We own that we have no God but you and no Lord but Jesus. We pray for those to whom you have given roles of leadership within your people. May they learn from Christ to be servant leaders who always encourage your people in the life of discipleship. Equip them by your Spirit for the task to which you have called them. May the glory of Christ be displayed in the fellowship of your people.


Jul 6 2019 - Jonah 4 – Angry Jonah

The Lord saw the repentance of the Ninevites and heard their cry for mercy and did not destroy the city. But Jonah was not pleased. The Assyrians were Israel's enemies and remained a threat to the Israelite kingdoms. Jonah would have liked to see them destroyed. Indeed in his complaint against God he claims that this is why he had not wanted to preach to the city of Nineveh in the first place; he knew that God was gracious and compassionate and would use his preaching to bless them rather than destroy them.

Jonah still hopes that God will repent. He set up a rough camp for himself to the east of the city and sat to watch whether at the end of the 40 days God would destroy it. God caused a leafy plant to grow over Jonah's rough shelter to provide him with some shade and relief from the fierce daytime sun. Then, just as Jonah was enjoying the shade, God caused a worm to eat away at the roots of the plant and it withered. The sun rose and a scorching wind blew and Jonah, now angry and miserable, wanted to die.

The Lord asked Jonah if he was right to be angry over the death of a plant. Jonah said that he was right to be angry, even to the point of wanting to die. Then comes the punch line. The Lord replied to Jonah, "You have been concerned about this plant, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight. And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left – and also many animals?" (Jonah 4:10-11)

Jonah had lost sight of the plan and purpose of God. His plan and promise from the beginning was that through Abraham's descendants all nations on earth would be blessed. God had blessed his people Israel so that they might be a light to the Gentiles – to the nations. But Jonah was more concerned for his own comfort than for 120,000 inhabitants in Nineveh. Indeed, he thought that their destruction would ensure the blessing of Israel. He was out of tune with the heart and mind of God – and he knew it (see 4:2).

This incident reminds me of the reaction of the Jewish leaders and the Pharisees to the ministry of Jesus. The outcasts of society, those whom respectable people thought of as "sinners", loved to flock around Jesus to listen to his teaching. They knew that he cared about them. Jesus was even ready to eat with tax collectors and sinners. This made the Jewish leaders furious; it suggested to them that Jesus must be a sinner himself. Jesus had to remind them that he was the one who reflected the compassionate heart of God. He had not come to call the righteous but had come to call sinners to repentance and to welcome them into his kingdom.

And how about us? God has called us to continue the mission of Israel. He has commissioned us, as he commissioned Jonah, to tell the world of the judgment and salvation of God – to tell the world of Christ. Jesus has called us to be his disciples, welcoming repentant sinners into his kingdom because we know that this was the only way for us to come to God.

Having secured our place in the kingdom, are we now more concerned for our own comforts than for the thousands of people who are like sheep without a shepherd and need a Saviour? Do we, as it were, complain about our withered comforts while thousands around us are dying?

Lord Jesus, I am the one who needs to repent of my self-centeredness and self-concern. Make me more like you. Give me a heart for others and a concern that they may know the life which you alone can give. Give me a passionate love for those who feel lost and helpless that I may point them to you. And, with your angels in heaven, fill me with joy over every returning sinner.


Peter Misselbrook